Resources for Housing and Food

Food: Since COVID-19, the City has organized free food sites around the city.There are food sites (pickup one box of food), meals for students, meals for seniors, and meals for residents. To see a map of the different sites and to get more information about when they are open and what they offer, click here:

Food Pantries:

Other sources:

If you didn’t see your specific housing or food need here, you should call 211. 211 will connect you with an employee of the United Way of Greater Philadelphia who is familiar with food and housing resources in Philadelphia and the surrounding counties. 

Food Delivery and Emergency Congregant Meals:

North Philly

  • Devereux Memorial United Methodist Church serves food Wednesdays at 12pm. Located at 2527 W Allegheny, 215-221-5050.
  • St Francis Inn serves  To-go meals Mon-Thurs. 4:30-6pm, Fri-Sun. 11:30am-1pm, Coffee and pastries T/W/Th. 10am-11amLocated at 2441 Kensington Ave, 215-423-5845.
  • Our Brother’s Place has To-go meals Mon-Fri 12-1pm pick-up in the garage. They serve men only. Located at 906 Hamilton Street, 215-985-1600.
  • The Church of the Advocate has to go meals daily at 12pm. Located at 1801 Diamond St, 215-978-8000.

South Philly

West Philly

Center City

  • Broad St Ministry is offering to go meals M-F 11:30am-2pm. Located at 215 S Broad. They are also offering free mail services to folks who do not have stable housing/are houseless. 
  • Chosen 300 is distributing carry out meals on Wednesdays from 5:30-8pm and Fridays from 5:30-8pm. Located at 1116 Spring Garden Street, 215-765-9806.
  • St John’s Hospice offers carry out meals M-F 12pm-1pm. Located at 1221 Race Street, 215-563-7763.
  • St Mark’s is offering Saturday soup to-go from 7am-9am and is serving food Tues-Fri 9:30-11am at Parish Hall Door. Located at 1625 Locust Street, 215-735-1416.
  • Sunday Love Project serves food on Sundays at 5pm, Mondays at 10am and Tuesdays at 5pm. Located at 1904 Walnut Street, 267-241-8348.
  • Muslims Serve serve to go food outside the Municipal Services Building Thurs-Monday at 4pm. 833-486-4370 ext. 2.
  • Arch St. Methodist Church serves a to-go Sunday dinner every week from 6pm-7pm. Located at 55 N. Broad St. 215-568-6250.

North West  

  • Free Halal lunch available from Masijidullah Inc. 7401 Limekiln Pike, Philadelphia, PA 19138.  Please contact MECCA at or call 215-424-44880.
  • Weaver's Way Co-op has expanded their home delivery and is not charging for it. Not the cheapest place to shop but they are very community-minded.
  • Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church 
    • 230 W. Coulter Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Monday - Thursday 10a-12p
  • West Kensington Ministry — 2140 N Hancock St. (19122) -  Mondays and Thursdays, 10a-12p


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