Two people are filling out a form together in a community center; Photo by Monica Melton on Unsplash

Medical Legal Community Partnership

The MLCP embeds legal advocates into 17 health centers to support medical care and help address socio-legal needs, such as medical insurance, housing stability, and income support.

A doctor puts his hand on a man's shoulder

What is a Medical Legal Community Partnership?

The MLCP brings attorneys, law students, and other legal advocates into Philadelphia health centers and clinics.


A woman talks to another woman


A return on investment study led by Erin Davison, found that investments in the MLCP between 2018 and 2023 yielded $41,226,771.05 in financial, social, and emotional returns for residents and communities in Philadelphia.

Our Partners

Philadelphia Department of Public Health Centers

The MLCP is currently in Health Centers #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #9, #10 and Strawberry Mansion Health Center.

Esperanza Health Centers

Our partnership with EHC focuses on providing legal care to folks recovering from substance use disorder.

Delaware Valley Community Health

Our partnership at DVCH provides care to high-risk patients and folks recovering from substance use disorder.

Einstein Medical Center

Our partnership with Einstein Medical Center marks our first partnership focusing on pediatric health
A mother and daughter with their arms over each other's shoulders

Safeguarding Income and Independence: Jane's Story

Jane faced many barriers obtaining the benefits she so badly needed.

A doctor talks to a patient

Civil Legal Aid is a Recovery Resource

Managing Attorney, James Tiderington, answers questions on how civil legal aid helps those in recovery from addiction.

Meet the Medical-Legal Community Partnership

PLA Attorney Caitlin Rudin and Dr. Laura Hribar have a panel discussion celebrating National Health Center Week. Tune in to learn more about the Medical-Legal Partnership model and how it leads to positive outcomes for patients!