You can get cash assistance from the welfare office if you have very little income, and you live with minor children. This program is called TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families).

If you apply for cash assistance, the welfare office should tell you what you need to do to qualify, and what forms you need.

If you receive cash assistance, you must participate in a welfare-to-work program, unless you are excused. You must also pursue child support against your child’s other parent who does not live with you, unless you have a good reason not to (such as fear of violence).

The welfare office can modify its rules for you if you cannot comply with its welfare-to-work, child support cooperation, or other rules because of domestic violence.

The chart below lists the maximum grant amount for each family size. If your income is higher than this, you probably do not qualify. Once you receive TANF, the welfare office will only count half your wages, to encourage you to work.



Number of People in the Budget Group

Each additional person







Maximum grant per month









This information was originally compiled by Community Legal Services of Philadelphia.