If you are in serious debt and cannot keep up with your loans or credit card bills, you may consider filing for bankruptcy to help reduce or eliminate debts. The two most common types of bankruptcy for individual people are Chapter 13 bankruptcy and Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to keep your home and get on a payment plan to catch up on your debts. You should call The Save Your Home Philly Hotline if you want to learn more about filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy may involve selling your home or other assets to pay down your debt, but may be a good option for folks with limited income and assets to pay their debts. Calling PLA’s general intake line can connect you with the Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project.
You may be able to file your Chapter 7 bankruptcy through Upsolve. Upsolve is a legitimate, national non-profit that helps people file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy at no cost. They have step by step instructions for filing for bankruptcy and can help you fill out bankruptcy forms. They do not provide free legal representation with an attorney. Read about whether Chapter 7 bankruptcy is right for you and visit Upsolve's website to see if you qualify.
Intake Process
Save Your Home Philly Hotline
Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 215-334-HOME (4663).
Apply Online
Apply online for an issue, anytime by filling out our online application. Click the button below to take you to our application site. Note: this will open in another tab in your browser.