Housing Unit

Tangled Title

A tangled title is a property title that does not accurately reflect the present homeowner’s claim to the home. For instance, many children or grandchildren currently live in homes that are still in the name of a deceased parent or grandparent. When someone passes away, other relatives often continue to live in the home without changing the name on the deed. An incorrect deed will often not affect day-to-day life, but a tangled title can make solving problems with your house, especially urgent ones, difficult or impossible. Addressing tangled titles before there is an emergency like a foreclosure, utility shutoff, or structural damage is an important part of protecting homes for generations to come.  

PLA is able to provide advice to or represent clients, who are working through the probate process and preparing and filing a deed with the Philadelphia Department of Records. If you have questions, call the Save Your Home Philly Hotline or PLA’s general intake line.

Intake Process

General Intake Hotline

Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at 215-981-3800.

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Apply online for an issue, anytime by filling out our online application. Click the button below to take you to our application site. Note: this will open in another tab in your browser.

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